Friday 2 October 2009
What the hell....!!!! I cant sleep tonight :( It was a bad scene for me. Well... tomorrow my activities so full. I cant believe it ?*!?*@#)$%^&*(

I tried to close my eyes, and nothing to happen. Drinking water almost one large glass, smoking, reading books and play internet. Only made me more sick !!!

And more worse again, my internet connection so slowly. When I writing this blog (complete all of my misery). But I never give up.. With ping replay from bytes :32 time:1500 ms TTL:45 Im still write to my blog.

Accompanied my laptop Toshiba and modem Sony Ericsson G502 using IM3 (indosat) ISP. Im still Online. Now at and my eyes are not sleepy. Oh...God I ike sad man :(

I can not imagine what happened to my activities tomorrow ??

When insomnia club exist?? I'll sign up now .........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks Bro...!!